Professor Azevedo from the University of Central Florida (USA) [link to website] comes to LIfBi for a one-week guest stay. As part of this, he gives a lecture in the LIfBi Lectures series.
Self-regulated learning is an essential predictor of students’ learning, problem-solving, and reasoning across tasks, domains, and contexts. Cognitive, affective, metacognitive, and motivational processes play a crucial role in students’ ability to monitor and regulate their learning when using advanced learning technologies (ALTs; serious games, intelligent tutoring systems, simulations, immersive virtual learning environments) accurately, dynamically, and effectively in STEM fields. Unfortunately, not all learners successfully monitor and regulate their learning. In this session, we will begin by discussing the cognitive, affective, motivational, and emotional self-regulatory processes that challenge (e.g., lack of cognitive strategies, poor emotional regulation skills, lack of interest and self-efficacy, and poor comprehension skills) students’ learning with ALTs. I will then discuss how to translate current theories, models, and frameworks of self-regulated learning for designing instruction that detects, fosters, and supports students’ self-regulated learning. I will do this in the context of instructional environments that embed students with ALTs and other agents (e.g., teachers, peers, and virtual agents). For example, we will discuss how the features and affordances of ALTs can be designed to develop learners’ self-regulatory processes more systematically, such as using non-player characters as scaffolding agents, multiple representations to enhance comprehension of complex STEM materials, and providing agency in serious games to enhance motivation and affective engagement. Lastly, we will discuss using the same design features as well a trace data (e.g., eye movements, facial expressions of emotions) as assessment tools to measure students’ use and transfer of self-regulatory processes.
Link to interview "Of humans, AI agents and true seamless interaction" (July 2023, Bamberg)