Who is surveyed?
The goal of the study „Educational Trajectories of Refugee Children and Adolescents“ is to continue to accompany the educational trajectories of the two cohorts of the previous study ReGES, who are each at important transitions in their educational trajectories at the time the first survey wave. In total, approximately 1,200 parents of elementary school children and approximately 1,400 adolescents between 18 and 20 will be accompanied during the project phase.
Where does the survey take place?
The survey is conducted primarily in five selected German federal states: Bavaria, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony. These federal states differ systematically in certain factors considered by researchers to be important for the integration of refugees. These include, for example, the number of refugees admitted, the schooling and day care strategies for young refugees, but also factors such as the unemployment rate, the proportion of the population with migration experience, or the population density. The interviews are conducted on site in the accommodations and households of the refugees. In the event of a relocation to another federal state, the adolescents or the families will continue to be interviewed there.

How is the survey conducted?
As part of the study „Educational Trajectories of Refugee Children and Adolescents“, two interviews with the participants will be conducted in a multi-mode design in 2022 and 2024. Elementary school children and their parents will be interviewed on the one hand, and adolescents on the other.